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Our laboratory is investigating how cellular processes govern proper metabolic function and how abnormal physiology leads to metabolic disease. In particular, we apply experimental and computational methods to identify genetic and epigenetic mechanisms regulating metabolism. We are focusing on understanding how genome-wide chromatin changes, which include chromatin accessibility, nuclear localization and dynamics, and genome organization, lead to physiological dysfunction. Our laboratory utilizes functional genomics, chromatin biology, physiology, and transcriptional regulation in a comprehensive approach to decipher molecular mechanisms in mammalian models of human metabolic disease.


Lab News

November 17

Our lab is moving to University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Liver Research Center. Everyone is staying on and excited about new opportunities


October 23

Our HiChIP paper has been accepted for publication at Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CMGH). Congratulations

Yi and first-time authors Lulu and Carol! The paper is available online


July 17

Welcome to ChIP Week 2023! 5 days, 3 labs, 4 antibodies,  0 sharks. Thanks to Joe for hosting Anjana from Anakk lab at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and Gabriella from Vallim lab at UCLA.


July 5

Our summer rotation student starts in the lab. Welcome Seth!


June 22

Our PI Irina has been promoted to Associate Professor! Congratulations!


May 12

Our work is featured here


March 8

Our preprint on Foxa2 HiChIP is available online. Congratulations Lulu and Carol!


February 9

More coverage of our lamina paper

UVA Today

UVA School of Medicine


February 8

Press release on our lamina paper is found here

Also, coverage in Department of Pharmacology


December 15, 2022

Our lamina paper is available online


November 16, 2022

Our lamina paper has been accepted for publication at Genome Research! Congratulations Tom, Megan, Nihal, and Yi!


September 27, 2022

Started a collaboration with Saucerman Lab for revision of our lamina paper


July 15, 2022

Our collaborative paper with Leitinger Lab is published. Congratulations Clint!


July 7, 2022

Our collaborative paper with Harris lab is published. Congratulations Mitch!


June 26-30, 2022

Joe attends his first conference, FASEB Liver Meeting in New Orleans


June 10, 2022

Joe starts as a post-baccalaureate researcher. We look forward to seeing your talent grow!


June 6, 2022

Two new students  join the lab. Welcome Carol and Lulu!


May 21, 2022

Joe and Abel graduate! Congratulations!




Department of Pharmacology

University of Virginia
1340 Jefferson Park Avenue
Jordan Hall, Room 5030
Charlottesville, VA 22908


Office Phone #: 434-982-6752

Lab Phone #: 434-982-6753

Thanks for submitting!

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